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Taken 1-Oct-23
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Honor Flight San Diego hosted 85 WWII, Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans

Honor Flight San Diego hosted 85 WWII, Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans as they visited the Washington, DC monuments dedicated to their service and sacrifice. This visit to the nation's capitol was on Sep 29th - Oct 1st. The veterans visited Arlington Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and its changing of the guard, the WW2 memorial, the Korean War monument, the Vietnam Wall, and many other service sites and statues around town. There were two lovely dinners with memories shared and stories told from member to member. The weekend was topped off with a Hero’s return from their Honor Flight back to San Diego, with over a thousand fans of these service members bestowed to them the hero’s return many never received.
NIKON CORPORATION NIKON Z 8, f/4.5 @ 36 mm, 1/100, ISO 200, No Flash

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:mickey strand, photograph, nikon, Z8, California, San Diego, WW2, Korea, Hero, Veterans

Honor Flight San Diego hosted 85 WWII, Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans